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Polished Petrified Wood CAS104

Regular price $175.00 Plus 10% GST in Australia
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CAS104.  Polished petrified wood rough rock, cut and polished on one side.

Natural back with the wood still attached to the host rock on one side !

Dimensions at widest points approximately 120 mm x 110 mm  x 55 mm thick

Weighs 1,156 grams


A member of the Casuarinaceae plant family.    Very similar in appearance to Allocasuarina fraseriana, commonly called Western or W.A. Sheoak that currently grows in the south western part of Western Australia.

From the Eocene "Pallinup Siltstone" near the Stirling Ranges in Western Australia.
Age is late Eocene, approximately 35 million years.

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